Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We started the big one on TV at a very young age. We'd place her in front of Baby Einstein videos while she was swinging or in a bouncer. As she grew she continued to be enthralled with video entertainment, moving on to BooBah and Sesame Street. At one point I remember cancelling our cable because she would actively watch whatever we were watching.
The little one is very different. She has never cared about TV. She won't sit and watch the flashy colors of Baby Einstein or the oddly gastric BooBah. That is, until now.
Enter Melmo.
Or Elmo.
Melmo, as she calls him, has entranced her little mind to the point where she watches the DVD constantly. Elmo plays almost back to back to back either on the computer upstairs or the TV downstairs.
But honestly, I can't complain. In fact, I LOVE IT! I love MELMO!
Yesterday I was in the kitchen and I suddenly realized that I could do anything. The big one was busy playing, the little one was watching her movie, and I was free! I went in the bedroom and read a book. DURING THE DAY! I almost read the whole chapter. It is amazing.
You know how people always say that when kids digress they're just preparing to take a big developmental leap? Well, this kind of falls under that category from a mother's perspective. The turmoil of a sick, nursing, non-sleeping 2 year old has suddenly given way to a (semi)independently entertained, fairly well, sleeping all night (I shouldn't even say it, lest I jinx it) 2 year old.


R.C. Sayler said...

If you like electronic babysitters, you'll love Skype-sitting! Put your kids in the computer room, turn on your webcam, Skype your neighbor or long-distance relative, and close the door! It's like t.v. but with a little more social interaction, plus your relatives get to have some alone time with your children while you run to the store, go to the gym, get the oil changed... When you get back, you'll have a full report of your children's behavior, plus your house stays clean because they only occupy one room!

-M said...

It is a beautiful thing, the advent of independence. If you are ready for some amazing books let me know. Love you!