Friday, October 28, 2011


The first order of business is grains. Growing up, and until the last couple of years, I held onto the old idea that grains should be the base of food pyramid. Each meal should be based in grains and anything else was just bonus nutrients. I thought that grains were the gold standard for nutritional value.
Then I started thinking about it. The government subsidies of grain production explain why the USDA endorsed them as the basis for nutrition. Grains are cheap, versatile, and are one of the easiest sources of energy (calories.) Hence, corn-fed beef is higher in fat and in Omega-6 fatty acids while grass-fed is leaner and higher in Omega-3 fatty acids (more on that later.)
I've started to realize that my whole basis for nutritional understanding has been entirely skewed.
So, now I'm trying to re-define what good nutrition means to me and my first step is removing grains from my regular rotation. I cannot say that a grain product will never cross my lips again, but I can make an effort to not eat them frequently.

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