Sunday, September 28, 2008


I did it! I actually ran my 1/2 marathon and it was really great! The run itself was event-filled, including being thwarted by a stinky man, sprinting across the arsenal bridge (it's steel grates with the river rushing underneath and a train chugging along above), and chatting with fellow Lewis and Clark refugees. But, by far, the best part was coming around the last corner and seeing/hearing my family cheering for me. It was like Christmas morning! Really.

That's me, blurry me, really excited to see my family.

That's me realizing that my goal time was mere seconds away, so I sprinted with previously undiscovered energy to the finish.

This is me and the girls stretching out afterwards. (Everyone got a medal, if you're wondering.)

All in all, it was a really great experience. I just may have to plan my next one soon.


The Ocean State Sayler Family Blog said...

I would not expect the picture to be anything but blurry...keep up the speed! This is awesome!

yeah, and thanks for FINALLY telling me about this blog...GEEZ!!

Kalin said...

Look at you totally whipping past that unsuspecting woman in the bright yellow. I bet she thought she was going to get first place until you blew past and took it. Right? Right?!

Anonymous said...

the pictures are blurry becuase you were running so fast. sorry, I should have put the camera on super light speed action mode. love you, babe.

Kalin said...

Maybe you should quit running for a little while and update your blog.