Tomorrow, at the crack of dawn, I have my race that I have been training for for the last 10 weeks. It's a 15K, which translates to 9.3 miles. I have run 10+ miles during this training, so I know that I can do it, but for some reason I am insanely nervous. Every time that I think about the race my stomach turns. I have to stop and take a deep breath every once in a while because my breathing has become so shallow and tight. I know that as I lay in bed tonight I will not go to sleep when I need to, but rather after an hour or so of pointless thinking.
Why? That's the thing. There is no reason, whatsoever that I need to be worried. As I was telling my little sister the other day, my primary goal is to not die, after that it is to finish the race, and the third goal is to do so without crying. I'm not chasing a certain time, I don't even know how fast I'm going to run this. My older daughter asked me if I'd be the first one across the finish line to which I assured her that that would certainly not be the case. Basically, there is no pressure to accomplish anything, but I'm still nervous.
So tomorrow, as you are all waking up (or still sleeping), please ask a little prayer for my nerves and that I finish it without crying.
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