I'm kind of forcing myself to write something just so that there's a new post. There's no real news around here. We've been spending a lot of time outside in the beautiful weather, lots of hammock lounging and bike riding. The big one has found a path that loops down our driveway, across the sidewalk, up our neighbor's drive, and around the sidewalk in the back of his house that she can ride her bike or trike around and around. She is finally able to be outside for long stretches of time. She can occupy herself with a number of imaginary games or bike riding. This is a new development, before she just couldn't come up with things to do and was ultimately bored outside.
The little one is doing a stellar job potty training. It started with me putting her on the toilet first thing in the morning because she hadn't wet her diaper during the night. Then she would go whenever I put put her on. Now she's starting to tell me when she has to go with our made-up sign language. Yesterday she had a dry diaper all day! She even went #2, and told me before the awkward silence! It's pretty awesome, really. She could be potty trained in the next couple months. One problem is that it augments the fact that we cannot go anywhere or do anything. She has a very small bladder and any longer car trips are trouble, plus finding and using public bathroom is not ideal. However, I'm not complaining, really.
As far as the house goes, the owner had the mold "cleaned up" by a non-certified mold cleaner-upper. They retested and there's still mold so he has to hire someone else to clean it up and retest it. It's nice that we aren't closing until later, because this would be horrible to try to fit into 30 days like most closings. My husband and I are really really excited to be moving into this house though. We were sitting outside on our picnic table daydreaming about sitting on our new deck where it's quiet and private. Main street is loud and not-so-private.
So that's our non-news. I suppose it is something, at least to keep you coming back for more!
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