Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is coming up and I would love to embrace it as a tribute to myself and those who have brought forth from their loins however, I have a hard time doing so. I read an article in Smithsonian magazine about the woman who invented the holiday. Ultimately she invented it to honor her mother and then spent the rest of her life opposing it because it was taken over by commercialism. It does seem like we are puppets of the commercial world. There is always something to look forward to whether it be Easter, Mother's Day, Christmas, Boss's Day, etc. And these are all reasons that we are supposed to buy something. When you go into a store the banners are practically shouting, "IT'S SPRING, BUY SOMETHING!" It's more than a little weird, when you think about it.

Anyways, it's something that I have been pondering lately. I'm certainly not saying we shouldn't celebrate. That is the really great thing about holidays is that they provide opportunities for us to get together and celebrate. Which reminds me - MY LITTLE SISTER IS COMING HOME TOMORROW!!!

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