Thursday, May 15, 2008


No, I'm not giving a shout-out to America's POWS, I'm talking about plain old white sugar. This is coincidentally my little sister's street name. Mine was something having to do with yellow cake, but I can't remember exactly. Those were our ghetto days and another story entirely.

Anyways - I recently bought good sugar. Good, expensive, whole sugar. I'm making an effort to shift our eating to as much whole, unprocessed food as possible. Luckily, this hasn't been hard to do and has provided me with lots of new culinary undertakings. By purchasing this sugar I have begun to see that when you buy quality items you will be less apt to waste them. (This realization is one that I should transfer to most areas of my life.) Treats become just that, things you should savor, not toss down the hatch without tasting. Plus, the foods that I've had that was made with whole sugar are far more satisfying. We will see if it really changes my practices as much as it has changed my attitude.

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