Today I turn the wise age of 26. As my little sister said, "that's old, but not as old as [my husband.] You'll never be quite as old as he is." (Or something to that effect.)
I had a really wonderful birthday, which is saying a lot since the last 5 or so have been grand disappointments. I tend to set myself up for birthday failures. I feel uncomfortable being celebrated. I never have a list of things I want because I could conceivably get things for myself. I have a hard time letting others do things for me. I feel awkward at my "party", I don't get anything I want, and I end up making up my own birthday and feeling unloved. It's sad and honestly ridiculous so this year I didn't do it. I actually asked for something and got it. I planned things that I wanted to do and did them. I made an amazingly good cake (recipe will follow) and really enjoyed it. Plus my husband was home all day (the first time in 3 weeks.) It was great and I had a really wonderful day.
I'm really glad for you, Lil. I have done the same thing with birthdays. What is that?
You always get exactly what you want from me as long as you tell me exactly what you want! Otherwise you get ceramic fish, which are also awesome.
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